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DGT Girl

[DGT Public Release] All.Hacks.vB3.5.0(07.07.05).PHP.NULL-DGT

No permission to download
Release Information:

 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::GT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       GGGGGGTTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTT
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGGGGGGG        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    G::::::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGG::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G        G::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       G::::G        T:::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G      TT:::::::TT
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::G      T:::::::::T
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::GGG:::G      T:::::::::T

[sCripT iNfO]────────────────────────────────────────────────────
■ Script name   : All hacks for vBulletin 3.5.0 (at 07.07.05)    
■ Supplied by   : DGT                                            
■ Nullified by  : DGT                                            
■ Tested by     : DGT                                            
■ Protection    : Hotlinks                                       
■ Homepage      :                      
■ Release date  : 07-07-2005                                     
■ Release type  : PHP/MySQL                                      
■ Price         : $??                                            
■ Under music   : Radio


Official definitions of "hack" categories:
1. Template modifications - the simplest of all modifications - 
only templates and/or phrases are required. All done using the 
AdminCP, not FTP access required. These do not require source 
code modification or file uploads. 
2. Plugins - Any hacks that uses hooks (and may add templates 
and phrases) BUT do not require source code modification or file 
uploads. These are hacks that can be installed using the AdminCP 
with no FTP access required.
3. Extensions - Any hacks that uses PHP or other file uploads 
(and may use hooks templates and phrases) BUT do not require 
source code modification. These are hacks that require FTP access.
4. Code Modications - Any hacks that requires source code 
modification (and may also use hooks, templates and phrases, 
and require file uploads).

Categories 1 and 2 can be done using AdminCP only.
Categories 1, 2 and 3 can be done without any vB source code 
modification which means that upgrading is easier.
Only category 4 requires source code editing. This will make vB 
upgrading a bit harder.

[/End dEscriptioN]────────────────────────────────────────────────

[iNfO aBouT gRouP]────────────────────────────────────────────────

DGT is looking for:
 - Professional Scripts Suppliers
 - Professional Nullifiers

If you are sure that you can be with us, please write on our email
Please write correctly Subject of your email.

[/End iNfO aBouT gRouP]────────────────────────────────────────────


Our greetz fliez to SCRiPTMAFiA, WST, RU, WDYL-WTN, CHT
and all other groups in the warez scriptz scene.

[/End gReetZ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────

[/End sCripT iNfO]─────────────────────────────────────────────────