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XenForo Addons

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Get faster searching, higher quality search results and similar content matching.
Add template variable $xf.itemsThisPage for how many posts/media items/resources/etc are on a page.
Set a custom title for the home page instead of boardTitle.
Add a permission setting to control who can hide signatures.
Add a permission setting to control who can hide adverts.
Use redis for view counters rather than MySQL.
Ban or moderate users from specific countries when registering using Maxmind's GeoLite2 Database.
Customize your 404 error page, keep track of missing URLs and redirect them to new pages.
Adds an option to set the style variation default for guests.
The ability to register and enter the forum through popular social networks.
Adds key features to make tags better on your site
Display a list of users who downloaded a resource.
Integration with scalable real-time messaging server.
The add-on will hide the IP of certain users.
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Allows you and your users to create galleries of images, videos, and audio in your forum.