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DGT Girl

[DGT Public Release] Download.Manager.Professional.v1.0.PHP-NULL.DGT

No permission to download
Release Information:

 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::GT:::::::::::::::::::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::GT:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       GGGGGGTTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTT
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G                      T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGGGGGGG        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    G::::::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G    GGGGG::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D     D:::::DG:::::G        G::::G        T:::::T
   D:::::D    D:::::D  G:::::G       G::::G        T:::::T
 DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D    G:::::GGGGGGGG::::G      TT:::::::TT
 D:::::::::::::::DD      GG:::::::::::::::G      T:::::::::T
 D::::::::::::DDD          GGG::::::GGG:::G      T:::::::::T

[sCripT iNfO]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
■ Script name   : Download Manager Professional v1.0
■ Supplied by   : DGT Friend                                     
■ Nullified by  : DGT                                            
■ Tested by     : DGT                                            
■ Protection    : Hotlinks                                       
■ Homepage      :                      
■ Release date  : 23-09-2005                                         
■ Release type  : PHP/MySQL                                      
■ Price         : $??                                            
■ Under music   : enter music u like when null this script :)



Captcha Authentication

The most powerful feature of Download Manager Professional is quite 
simple. Users interested in downloading a file simply enter a randomly
generated five character code and their file is presented to them. 
No longer can anyone link directly to your files. Scripts and other 
automated programs that try to download your files are also stopped 
dead. We've incorporated our KillBot application which takes care of 
generating the random image as well as checking to see if what the user
enters matches the code. 

Automated installation

Easy to setup, easier to use! The Download Manager requires you to 
manually setup the program where the Download Manager Professional 
automates the entire process for you. Simply follow the install page 
instructions, enter some information about your server and the rest is 
done for you. 


In the Download Manager Professional you can now break up your files 
into separate pages instead of having to view them all on one page 
(which you can still do if you like). Enter the number of files you 
want to appear on a page and the Download Manager Professional takes 
care of the rest. There's also a link that allows you to jump to viewing 
all your files at once no matter what you set the items per page at. 


Sort your files for easy viewing by: file name, total downloads, 
daily limit, and total limit. 

Master shutoff switch

If you need to stop all download immediately the Download Manager 
Professional has an easy to use, one click solution. You can 
enable/disable all download with one click and without affecting 
the limits you set on your files. 

Frame buster and reload JavaScript

To help prevent other web sites from framing in your links we've 
included JavaScript frame buster code, as well as the ability to have
the Download Manager Professional automatically reload itself so that 
the random image code changes as often as you like 
(60 seconds by default). 

Improved Security

The Download Manager Professional has an administration page you now 
must login to. 
Up-to-the-minute statistics on any type of file you want to monitor.
Text, zip, image it doesn't matter. You can monitor any type of file 
with the Download Manager Professional in real time. No maintenance 
scripts to run, no parsing of text files. All data is stored in MySQL 
tables for fast retrieval. 

Set Download Limits.

Set daily and/or total limits on file downloads. Want to allow 100 
downloads of a file per day? No problem. Want to allow an unlimited 
amount of downloads per day with a total of 50000 downloads? 
Not a problem! Shut off downloads at any time on any file or make 
downloads unlimited. Download Manager Professional can handle it. 

Graphical view of statistics.

Display your file's download statistics in a dynamic bar graph 
(requires PHP with GD 2 support). View the total stats for a file 
or view stats month to month, each bar graph is generated as you ask 
for it. 
Bulk load files. Specify a directory and the Download Manager 
Professional will add all the files within it. You can also have the 
Download Manager Professional include subdirectories and it will add 
all the files in the directory and all subfolders with one click. 

Protect your files

Create any alias you like for a file. Download Manager Professional 
keeps the true path hidden from your visitors to prevent unauthorized 
access. Serve up files located outside of your web root. 

Show or hide download stats to your visitors

Allow your visitors to see how many times a file has been downloaded 
or keep that information private. 

Automatically generated tracking URLs

The administration screen will automatically generate your tracking 
URLs to use in your site, specific to each file you monitor. 

File size and file path verification

When adding a file to be monitored, the Download Manager Professional 
will verify that the path you have entered is correct and display the 
file's size in it's list of files being monitored.    

[/End dEscriptioN]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

[iNfO aBouT gRouP]───────────────────────────────────────────────────

DGT is looking for:
 - Professional Scripts Suppliers
 - Professional Nullifiers

If you are sure that you can be with us, please write on our email
Please write correctly Subject of your email.

[/End iNfO aBouT gRouP]───────────────────────────────────────────────


Our greetz fliez to SCRiPTMAFiA, WST, RU, WDYL-WTN, CHT
and all other groups in the warez scriptz scene.

[/End gReetZ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

[/End sCripT iNfO]────────────────────────────────────────────────────